Automation QA Engineer

EmploymentFull time
ScheduleFlexible, 5/7 schedule, with core working hours from 10 AM to 4 PM
PaymentCompetitive, based on experience and portfolio
Hiring1 position available

Job Description

We are looking for an experienced Automation QA Engineer to ensure the delivery of high-quality software solutions. You will design and implement automated test frameworks, write test scripts, and work closely with developers to ensure seamless integration.


Experience: 5+ years of experience in software testing and quality assurance.
  • Proficiency in automation tools such as Selenium and Cypress.
  • Strong programming skills in Python or JavaScript.
  • Experience with CI/CD pipelines and API testing.
  • Knowledge of test management tools and frameworks like TestNG.
Soft Skills: Attention to detail, excellent analytical skills, and strong collaboration abilities..
Education: Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field.
Bonus: Experience with performance testing tools is a plus.

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